Rare as it is for me to use this as an actual "Blog"
November 19, 2003
Here's something Warren picked up from the New Scientist concerning Racial bias and the effect it has on brain function.
Reading this is struck me that it would be interesting to do a much wider study, including people of all races, and those who puport to not be racist. I wonder what the test results would be like for people who explain themselves as non racists, but who do notice difference? Would some sort of cognitive dissonance occur?
Only marginally related. In the college Mackay teaches at, apparently there are a couple of Somalian kids in the 99% Asian population (it's in the Southall neighbourhood and it's a crammer). They are unmercifully taken the piss out of almost constantly for no real reason other than they are not Asian, so it seems. Tis a strange business - racism does seem to be treated as if it's a one way street, whereas rather bleedin' obviously it applies to any majority population where the minority are shown as being from a different race. McK said the teachers who saw this behaviour most were unbelievably shocked by how casual and open the kids were about it. But, if the kids were white and the Somalian kids were Asian, something tells me it would be more covert and possibly nastier (though that's just me being prejudiced against white racist kids, obviously).
It's a tangled old mess, so it is.
No news other than extreme knackerdness from weight lifting, since she's grown so much weight wise in the last 3 or 4 days. Stretch marks are now reaching *above the level of my waistline* on these trews. I told you I was extremely oversized, didn't I.
Pray that she's under 10lbs. Please.