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May 2004
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July 2004

Beasties links

Watch / download the ridiculous video for Ch-check it out plus a load of other bits and pieces.

Listen to parts of an interview on XFM

Hear the album now also thorugh the same link.

What can you say except:
They rock
...and they are ridiculous. Thus, they have realised how to live in this world.

I have many Beasties memories. I probably love 'em and get more excited listening to them than just about anyone else. Wierdly, despite the plethora of original tunes of theirs, it's a remix that I'd take to my desert island. The Fat Boy Slim remix of "Body Movin'" is a joyous celebration of shagging. The original is great but the remix brings it to another dimension. As it were.

Just desperate for that Amazon package.


Dropping the eleven-thirty feed today.

Why am I stressed. Hmmm. Nora's history as a notoriously bad feeder has led me to a pathology wherby I am at least partially obsessed with getting as much protein in to her system as possible. To remove one feed seems to be perverse and surely dangerous???!!!!!????

On the other hand, she is having her first non-consenting animal protein today, and that is (drum roll) organic salmon and potato. McK didn't manage to get the chicken done in time. However, it is believed that this will be ready for tea.

Six months old

Nora Jessie Mackay is 6 months and 1 day old.

Tomorrow we drop a feed and give her chicken - her first non-consenting animal sourced protein (if you discount the odd formula feeds she ued to have). She's just over 15 pounds in weight and likes to stick her delicate fingers up my nose whilst feeding.

She's in a very silly mood at the moment, and has discovered a new method of laughing and smiling. A funny creased up nose cheeky grin. And she's learned to clap her hand against mine and make a noise. I take this as a 'sign' that sign language learning can now begin in earnest.


If you haven't gone to see "The Day After Tomorrow" yet, go and see it right now. It's absolutely hilarious. I had a lovely evening on Sunday with my old friend Andy and Mackay, when my brother came over and babysat after Nory had gone to sleeeeeeep like the little lovebundle she is. Local ok-ish Chinese restaurant then the film.

The point that we were laughing, openly and for quite long stretches and that did not lead to anyone sshhh-ing us (and the none too subtle exit of several audience members) should let you know just what a heap of absolute crap the film is. I mean it's *astoundingly* bad. They had a pretty reasonable bunch of actors in there and gave them absolute toss to say - and I don't mean just from a spurious physics standpoint either (although that's pretty high on my list).

But, it sits well in to the "So bad it's good" school of film making, unlike "2010" which we saw on DVD last night. It reminded me of the scenes with the film writing seminar in "Adaptation". One exposition voice over can be forgiven; two may be overlooked sourly; more than that (and there were many) and it can be justifiably described as weak and lazy. The whole film is littered with absolutely dreadful "Dear wifey, here is a short description of a whole bunch of story updates which jump the film on about three days" letters home, read out in terrible style. Bleg. Avoid at all costs. It's a terrible, terrible film.


So Rich Herring is working with Radio 4 to turn his diary/blog in to a radio show.

His descriptions of the episodes are very funny. His diary is very funny in fact, and what I find interesting about it is not just the content, obviously, but the fact that he's writing so personally whilst remaining acutely aware that he has an audience. writing a show then based on your diary as opposed to the actual events in themselves further places a funny distance between the brand name "Richard Herring"'s life & events - which are public property and the day to day 'stuff' that happens to Rich Herring. I wonder what his personal boundaries are?

If he's not careful, he'll end up becoming 'famous' as a geek, which if you knew Rich would be a very funny thing to happen.

Breast pumping advice notes

Hopefully that title will get it googled well enough for people to find it if they need it.

I've been meaning to write this for ages and in classic style never got round to it. Therefore, here it is. My notes based on let me tell you, some pretty heavy duty breast pumping. What I don't know about it doesn't need knowing. I had to pump out after every single meal she had for two months.

This is written primarily for a UK audience, but you can buy the Avent pump in the US so it may be as applicable.

Continue reading "Breast pumping advice notes" »

Sitting up.

She is sitting up. The high chair helped a great deal with her sorting out how to do it, and now sitting in the high chair appears not to involve slumping on to one side and slopping over the edge, as if she's had half a bottle of vodka.

Got to start coming up with the "next stage" type babyfood and stop mouli-ing everything within an inch if it's individual vegetable portion life. Talking of which - advice: do not mouli sweetcorn. It is the vegetable from outer space. It is an insane sugar and juice creation device, which sheds more roughage than appeared to be there in the first place.

Ah, Nora has appeared. I must go. Meanwhile, I'm really saddened to read the struggles that Dooce is having with her life at home with Leta. I think I had mild PND due to the horrors of the birth and feeling very dissociated at the beginning, but I can't help but think that my Irish constitution (nay, "bulk" I think you'll find) and ability to shoulder rather enormous amounts of burden if it means I'm helping someone out has enabled me to cope with 5-6 hurs of sleep for the last 5 1/2 months. That, as well as the fact that Nora is frankly, the most chilled out, lovely, fun to be with little munchcake that I just... run with it, really.

Sometimes I think, if I was given a weekend off (which, by the way, I long for, but know I couldn't bear just yet) and allowed myself to have a lie-in, I actually wouldn't wake up until it was time to take her back. I don't think
I'm ever really going to make up for the lack of sleep that I've had but what's the point in worrying about it?