Mick Jones has a new band


The cold still hasn't gone. It has mutated into a wracking cough that will not shake itself from Nora or me. Hence, 3 and 4am wakeup calls every day ths week.

And this week, I went back to work! Oh joy. Sleep deprivation and broken sleep is, I think you'll find, the kind of technique they use on, say, Guantanomo Bay prisoners.

So. We have now stopped expressing out the late feeds with the hope that her solid meals will make up for those extra top-uppy bits and pieces (difficult to tell since we didn't eat properly for about 4 days at the height of the cold) which means at least the possibility of an early-ish night. Providing she doesn't wake up at 11.35 as she did last night, and proceeded to stay awake until 2.

Where the fuck are her teeth? Where are they? She's going to be 7 months old in 13 days and if they come before then I'm a monkey's bloody uncle because there's no bloody sign of them so far, just broken sleep, dribbling, chewing and grumping. Bah!
