So, here's a quick "Where we're at"
So let's go over this...

Outstanding life moments no.45

Nora really is very sick. We took her to the Doc's this morning for the inevitable antibiotics (sigh), and before she went, in the morning, she had another one of those coughing fits that made her cry, poor love.

So she was very floppy. So McK decided to give her a treat.

Before this though, you must know one salient fact. Last night, Nora watched a formative episode from the second series of The Clangers, in which an astronaut lands on the clangers' planet. I remember the concept of the episode so clearly, and that they frightened him, and he ran away... but it was so much better than that. He was absolutely bloody terrified. Not only did he spend the whole episode running away from entirely freaky weirdness, like clangers, soup dragons and froglets he nearly died several times falling in to holes. He was driven mad by the clangers!

So cut to today, and Nora flopping on the sofa with Daddy, who has the DVD remote control in his hand, and is marking through the chapters trying to find the bit where Marilyn loses her ring in the shower because that bit marks the beginning of "the sequence". And damn stop forwarding so far! Right, there it is... there she is... it's lost... she's swearing under her breath..

And now the Apolo 13 team are preparing for launch.

Nora doesn't really need much explanation anymore, what with her moon book, and the Clangers having taught her all about space, the Earth and rockets.

"They are going in to space!" she wheezes, excitedly, as the stirring Americana orchestrates swollen hearts in the background. I have tears in my eyes, looking at her, as the rocket lifts off. She is rapt.

After it reaches orbit, Daddy switches it off.


"Can I watch The Clangers now?"
