My router's gone up the spout. Well, no, in fact it's my laptop's capability of seeing the router. Despite the fact that the Mac can.
No real time at work to post, and working alot in the evenings at present.
Brief update:
-Nora started pre-school nursery! She gets to wear a uniform n everyfink. Totally, absolutely loves it. She only does half days though. Mackay has given up the part time teaching. We are now officially skint.
-James threw up in bed the other day, but then didn't carry on throwing - so no harm done but a sad wee boy
-Heath Ledger. Damn. Someone on Gawker found a NYT interview conducted only a couple of weeks ago (sorry, no time to find the link, apologies for that) in which Heath Ledger had appeared to be very, very stressed from his performance in Batman - only sleeping 2 hours a night, taking sleeping pills and them failing, and on edge throughout the interview. the reason I feel sad is that as regular readers will know, I fell in love with a dorky big crush, with "Brokeback Mountain". It immediately entered my top 5 films, and the reason for its emotionally resonant power was Heath Ledger. He was a fine actor, and I was looking forward to seeing him mature in to an even better one.
...loads more obviously. Hottest January on record, and we've got a week more to just prove the point a little more. The words, I think you'll find, are "Oh, shit". This isn't just a sleepwalk, this is the race surfing toward the tidal wave, and picking up speed. What I don't understand is, surely the horror at events is a pure, and very human reaction: a selfish, desperation to survive? Given that it at it's gut is a base reaction to the situation (me! me! save me! Save my kids!) surely you'd think that more fucking people would have it? As in: fuck the voters, fuck the fucking economy - move NOW.
I keep being reminded of the beginning of War of the Worlds. Here we all are, drinking milk from cartons, spreading jam on speciality breads and typing inane rubbish in to computers.
How long?
I promise something inconsequential and fluffy for my next post, which will be live in literally minutes. More than several minutes.