Witnessed an accident - mild one, luckily
Dragging their asses back to the sniping zone

Well what now?

I'm trying to think of a time during 2008 when we weren't all glued to our screens watching Youtube clips like maniacs, either pulling our hair out in amazement or gasping for joy, tears of emotion welling up... what a madcap second half of the year it has been.

I think regular readers will recall the quite ludicrous, almost hysterical buzz I got from The Olympics, based almost purely around how fantastic Nora thought it all was. Before then we had the Democratic nomination, after it we had the race to the Whitehouse beginning in earnest, then global capitalism proved to be full  - knock me down with a feather - of greedy bastards willing to mortgage their own teeth and THEN the election.

One of the email promotions for "The Daily Show" directly after November 4th slightly lamely had a subject line which felt like the guy left over at the party saying "Hey, er, guys? you know I'm still here, right? I mean we can still have fun and everything, can't we?"

We've all become news adrenaline junkies! Give us more excitement! We need volcanoes erupting in the middle of Paris! We need giant lobsters wandering out of the sea around Australia and demanding a voice in parliament!

Surely there must be some drastic, extraordinary event which can mask the actual news for a little longer? Because the actual news is just, you know. The normal shit about Africans killing each other in desperate and pointless civil wars, food shortages, suicide bombers. I mean Good God how Boring can you get?

Anyway. I just wrote to http://www.change.gov and told them to put a moderated forum / message board up there so that citizens of the world ("real" citizens of the world) can voice their support for the message, "Yes we can". You never know. They might. It would be nice.
